Previous meetings

The RENS Meetings have been held for more than 40 years: the first edition was celebrated from September 24th to 28th, 1973 in Santiago de Compostela. During the first two decades, the meetings were held annually with the exception of the years 1976, 1984 and 1988. In the nineties, the meetings were held more irregularly. Lastly, since 2001, meetings are held every two years until 2019. From next year, meetings will be celebrated every three years.

Given the large amount of information and in order to avoid its loss, the RENS Section of Land Use Change carried out the tedious but impressive task of digitizing the field guides correspondent to all the Meetings, as well as other complementary documents. Many researchers have devoted their time to this compilation, among them those responsible for the RENS Section, Armando Martínez Raya and Emilia Fernández Ondoño, and with special mention the Dr. Carlos Dorronsoro, José Aguilar and especially Roque Ortiz.

In the following table, you can find all the information up to the date of the previous RENS meetings celebrated.

Year Location Date Links
2017 Madrid 6-9 June Field trip guide
2015 Granada 7-11 September Field trip guide
2013 Mallorca 3-6 September Field trip guide
2011 Barcelona 4-7 September Field trip guide 1/2

Field trip guide 2/2

2009 Huesca 29 June – 1 July Book “Itinearios edáficos por el Alto Aragón
2007 Durango 25-27 June Field trip guide
2005 Almería 20-23 September Field trip guide y resúmenes de trabajos

Book “Almería: Factores formadores y suelos

2003 Córdoba Field trip guide
2001 Santiago Field trip guide
1995 Sierra de Gredos Book “Suelos de la Sierra de Gredos
1994 La Mancha Field trip guide
1991 La Laguna 22-28 September Field trip guide
1990 Badajoz 24-28 September Field trip guide
1989 Lleida Field trip guide 1/5: cartografía de suelos semiáridos de regadío

Field trip guide 2/5: erosión hídrica y rehabilitación de áreas mineras

Field trip guide 3/5: suelos con yeso en el Pla D’Urgell

Field trip guide 4/5: suelos de regadío con drenaje enterrado

Field trip guide 5/5: suelos de secano en zona semiárida

1987 Valencia 28 September – 2 October Field trip guide
1986 Murcia Field trip guide
1985 Salamanca 24-27 September Field trip guide
1983 Santander 13-16 September Field trip guide
1982 Barcelona 13-18 September Field trip guide
1981 Santiago 29 June – 3 July Field trip guide
1980 Granada 23-26 September Field trip guide
1979 Zaragoza 18-22 September Field trip guide
1978 Sevilla 25-29 September Field trip guide
1977 Vinaroz Field trip guide: características hidrológicas y de drenaje del delta del Ebro
1975 Tenerife Field trip guide
1974 Salamanca 23-27 September Field trip guide
1973 Santiago 24-28 September Field trip guide